Adventure courses can include a variety of obstacles and challenges that require physical skills, coordination, dexterity, and bravery to overcome. Some common examples of items found in these circuits are:
Petit Colomer
.AGE: Between 3 to 5/6 years.
.HEIGHT: From 1 meter high.
.CHARACTERISTICS: Children's circuit designed for children, where the height of the platforms ranges from 1 m to 1'5 m from the ground and consists of 13 different games (bridges, networks, rollers, rockers ...).
.REQUIREMENTS: An adult will have to accompany and supervise the child at all times walking to his side
(the adult does not pay entrance).
.TIME: from 0.30 to 0.45 h
La Olleta
.AGE: From the age of 6.
.HEIGHT: From 1'20 m high.
.CHARACTERISTICS: Circuit for all audiences and the first blue circuit for the little ones, where it takes place at a low height and where we will find games of all kinds (vertical logs, nets, square bridges, zip lines, vines, ... ). It has an escape route in the middle of the circuit.
It consists of 13 different games and the heights of the platforms range from 2 m to 5 m from the ground.
.DIFFICULTY: Download.
.REQUIREMENTS: Children under the age of 9 must do the circuit accompanied by an adult:
-for children between 6-7 years: 1 adult per child
-for children between 8-9 years: 1 adult for 3/4 children.
.DURATION: 0.30-0.45 h
The Cabana
.AGE: From 7/8 years.
.HEIGHT: From 1'30 m high.
.CHARACTERISTICS: New circuit and designed for all audiences that is already gaining height in the 4 zip lines it has and proposed games such as mobile platforms, mini roco, rope bridge, rhomboid net, the ball...).
It has 14 different games with two escapes in the middle of the circuit and the heights of the platforms range from 3m to 8m from the ground.
.REQUIREMENTS: Children under the age of 12 must do the circuit accompanied by an adult:
-for children between 7-8 years: 1 adult per child
-for children between 9-12 years: 1 adult for 3/4 children.
.DURATION: 0.30-0.45 h
La Tosca
.AGE: From 7/8 years.
.HEIGHT: From 1'30 m high.
.CHARACTERISTICS: Circuit very traveled, by all public and essential if you want to do the red circuit 'La Bauma'. The heights reach up to 12 m at the highest point and we will have to pass the proposed tests (swings, monkey bridge, zip lines, standing liana, pirate net...), even thoughsposa of 3 escapes if you don't want to continue or don't do the highest area.
The circuit consists of 15 different games with platform heights ranging from 3m to 12m from the ground.
.REQUIREMENTS: Children under 12 must do the circuit accompanied by an adult:
-for children between 7-8 years: 1 adult per child
-for children between 9-12 years: 1 adult for 3/4 children.
.DURATION: 0.30-0.45 h
La Bauma
.AGE: From the age of 9.
.HEIGHT: From 1'30 m high.
.CHARACTERISTICS: Circuit designed for the most daring, where we will have to put in a little more effort and show that we are good balancers to pass all the proposed tests (slickline, tarzan jump, mega zipline, swings,...) , with 13 different games and where the heights of the platforms range from 6 m to 10 m from the ground.
.DIFFICULTY: Medium/High.
.REQUIREMENTS: Children under 12 must do the circuit accompanied by an adult:
-for children between 9-10 years: 1 adult per child
-for children between 10-12 years: 1 adult for 3/4 children.
.DURATION: 0.30-0.45 h